Gather around my children and I will tell you of a magical, mystical tale (or "tail" if you wish, Ha!) of a young mermaid by the name of Princess Sidneelia SwishelFin who had 4 other mermaid sisters - Princesses Libertisha, Lacisha, Breesha, and of course, Hadaralah.
As you may know, mermaid creatures have been sighted in just about every ocean on Earth. Reports on sightings have come from such diverse geographical parts of the World such as Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Why did you know that the Phoenicians considered a half human half fish named "Dagon" to be their deity? Certainly no glass ceiling in their ancient world! HA!
But THESE particular mermaids in this story were very different. Unlike the ones you might have read about in Atlantis, these Mermaids and Mermen were from the undersea world of Jiveasia - whereas their mermaid "Oannes" culture was quite different from anywhere else on the planet. In fact, so different that all of the other Oannesian cultures stayed clear of them completely.
Certainly you have heard that a mermaid is a mythical creature that is half woman and half fish. Now, you may have heard that some mermaids have been described as being sea monsters and downright dangerous. Oh, Contraire! For these mermaid sisters were stunningly beautiful and kind-hearted. And they had all attended the Classic with Style's Undersea Campus, "Bubblethropia."
As the story goes, Princess Sidneelia was told by her Mermaid Queen, Anroleela Tidebottom, that "When ya' turn sixteen mah' dear Princess Sidneelia, ya' kin go dig yo'self some puh'm wave and gots yo' snails done, den venture along de ocean currents and see fo' yo'self de land uh de humans. But once ya' see da damn land ya' gots'ta return and rememba' NEVER be lured onsho'e by nuthin dat may interest ya' - o' ya' gots'ta lose yo' tail and neva' be able t'return t'our underbooze wo'ld again. 'S coo', sis."
"Well dat plum sucks big time! Right on!" Sidneelia exclaimed.
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Neptune God of De Sea ~ Zig Jive'n Kin'fish |
After Sidneelia's birthday party was over, one by one the sisters went to the surface. Then it was the little mermaids turn. she went to the surface.
Princess Libertisha, the youngest of the sister's exclaimed, "I plum duzn't see da damn point uh why ya' wanna boogie upside dese ho'rible ocean and see da damn human sho'eline. It makes absolutely no darn sense t'me at all! I recon' dat ya' is one crazy chick honkyfool t'be hangin' dis hun."
But the princess swam away anyway for the shoreline. As a side note it has been legend that mermaids can sink ships and possess sirens that could lure sailors to their doom.
As she looked far across the ocean's peaking waves, she could see something being tossed violently on top of the water's surface. It was a boat. Being curious, she swam closer to see it. Inside the boat was a very handsome human sailor who was struggling to keep his boat afloat.
Suddenly the boat hit some rocks that weren't visible. The human was thrown overboard and into the water. The little mermaid swam and pulled him on land. As their eyes met each other's for the first time, she instantly fell in love.
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The Great Sea Witch ~ Janefelia Blinkalot |
The little mermaid agreed.
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The Sailor ~ Freedom Rockfish |
He then wrapped the precious Little Mermaid up in a blanket and took her back to his beach house where it was nice, warm and friendly.
After he set a log and lit the kindling in the fireplace, he brought her over a warm glass of milk and and then sat next beside her. "You know, he whispered softly to her, "The day you rescued me my dear maiden, it sounded like you were singing to me as you pulled me up from under the deep ocean where I almost nearly drowned."
The Mermaid replied, "Oh dat? Well, dat wuz real not singin' ya' honkyfool - ah' wuz actually rappin' some hip hop beat dat ah' heard plum de oda' day and it plum stuck in mah' haid as ah' wuz pullin' ya' so'ry body fum de ocean. 'S coo', bro."
His jaw dropped... He thought to himself,"How could one so beautiful talk with such a foreign and strange tongue?" He couldn't bring himself to understand as to why this beautiful maiden 's dialect seemed so foreign to him at all. He did not know if his family would ever approve of her, not just because that she was a mermaid but a Jive'in' one at that. He asked her where she came from and she described in vivd detail for him the undersea world of Jiveasia and that she was a princess and was an aire to the kingdom's wealth once day. His ears perked and he suddenly realized his fine "catch of the day."
He then resolved in his mind on what he had to do.
The next day her took her to see his speech therapist, Sir Jolly Roger of the Admiral's Second Fleet. Long retired now, Sir Roger became an expert at helping people overcome their linquistic challenges. As Freedom carried her into his office, Sir Roger noticed her fin sticking out of the blanket then immediately knew of the challenge he had before him.
They then commenced her therapy. "My dear Little Mermaid, I would like you to recite after me this sentence with these marbles placed in your mouth."
"Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers," he resounded.
"Peta' picked some pack uh pickled peppuh's," she replied."Okay..that is not too bad for starters, " Sir Rogers responded.
"Now dear, please listen and repeat this sentence to get good pronunciation and rhythm. - She sells seashells down by the seashore."
"She sells dem' seashells waaay down by de cee-sho'e," she uttered.Try this once, Miss Sidneelia. " The rains in Spain fall mainly on the plains."
"O'dat b' easy!" She exclaimed...
"Dem rainswat'r in Spain ja'dig fall t' mainly on de' plains.""Okay.. I think that is enough for today. You may remove the marbles from your mouth my Dear, " he directed.
Months and months went by - and she improved each day. Finally the day came when Freedom thought it was time for her to meet his family. He was very excited about this moment for if they accepted her, he would be set for life.
You must understand that being a sailor, Freedom came from a long heritage and lineage of famous sailors - Why, I will have you know that his great, great Grandpappy, Samuel Rockfish, was swallowed whole by some huge white whale. His Grandpappy later posthumously became a very famous legend in his seaside community. Now as for his folks - his momma and his dadda - Skip & Bessie Rockfish...they were both retired fishermen (or more politically correct fisherman & fishwoman). They struggled to make ends meet by running the local pub in their tiny fishing village of Sommersport in Ireland.
She had dressed special for him on this important day. She adorned her favorite bling necklace and seashore polo team jersey and put snail-glitter in her long flowing hair. She was so much in love with Freedom, and looked forward to becoming his bride and having schools of little fishies with him one day. Oh, I bet you think that they couldn't have sex? Oh, quite the contrary! I won't go into much detail now but all that I might add is that mermaids have the best darn booty in the world. Ha!
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Freedom's Folks ~ Skip & Bessie Rockfish |
"I'm bloody well right pleased ter meet yor acquaintance and welcome yer ter this 'ousehold wiv open arms," he said to her.
Mamma Rockfish then approached her and said, " 'Onestly me fair mermaid, I'm right 'appy ter meet yer also. I 'ave a look forward ter findin' out so much more about yer and where yer come from! Blimey!"
Princess scratched the top of her head as she struggle to understand them -listening to the both of them rant and rave about their son, and how he was the most famous fisherman in the town now for catching her. Freedom then whispered into his mother's ear, "Psst...and Momma, I darn almost forgot to tell you - She will inherit the wealth of her kingdom one day and we will be set for life!"
Little did Freedom realize that the princess had excellent hearing, far superior to humans indeed. Her heart sank as she heard him exclaim his interest in only her wealth. Suddenly, the tone of the discussions changed and she asked of him this one simple question, "Freedom...Do you love me?" He squirmed and fidgeted as he struggled to find the right words... "Well, I guess that I could learn to love you over time." he responded.
In a split second, the Princess was transformed into a large sea serpent! "Chomp, chomp, chomp!" All three - Freedom, his momma and his papa were quickly devoured (whole like delicious sushi) by the Princess. She quickly left quite annoyed and swam back to Jivasia to join her family - heartbroken that he did not love her the way she loved him.
When she returned, the sea witch returned the Princess to her beautiful mermaid form knowing of her broken heart and realizing that she was a bit over-reaching with the deal she made with the Princess. (Actually, the truth is that Zig Jive'n Kin'fish threatened her with a lifetime ban from shopping in the Bubblethropia Mall unless she withdrew the spell.)
The moral to this story is of course "Hell has no greater wrath than a woman scorned." And this is especially true for all types of women - even the mermaid type.
But, it also most certainly brings to truth the stories of avenging mermaids in "frenzied rage" and devouring sailors. And now you understand why! HA!
But, it also most certainly brings to truth the stories of avenging mermaids in "frenzied rage" and devouring sailors. And now you understand why! HA!
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