Friday, March 1, 2013

CWS: Talon the Truth About Nails

by Becky Kénaan

Hello again, this is your mildly obnoxious CWS Fashion Runway "Run-Away" Reporter Becky Kénaan here to spread new gossip and use as many $25 words as I possibly can.  HA! Actually my favorites lately have been "Blah, blah, blah, and yada, yada, yada!"

Speaking of juicy gossip, I can't wait to tell you what I have just discovered from the latest CWS Rumor Mill.  But before I get into that, I want to talk about the proper wearing of fingernails here in SL Land.  I really can't think of much worse than not wearing your nails correctly in SL while modeling.  

In RL a chipped nail drives me absolutely insane and fixing my nails on the spot is one of my many crazy obsessions. In my little pea brain there is nothing much worse than having a chipped nail - It snags at my pantyhose and even gets caught in my curly hair. I don't give it a second thought or even think it strange to pull out a nail file from my handbag to file down the rough edges just about anywhere I am.  Men, you have it so easy! You will never know!

Well, I think that I now understand the true reason for seeing faulty nails on some models here in SL.  I now realize why there are some people here in SL who just seem to repeat the offense of wearing their nails incorrectly ....It suddenly dawned on me... Pssst...Come closer and I will whisper in your ear ... (In SL they are SECRET NAIL BITERS! HA!)

By the way....On the subject of Nail Biters, I trust that everyone will be attending the next round of elimination  for "Do You Think You Can Dance." Sunday March 3rd, 2013 @ 12:00 pm slt on the Black and White Stage.  So...Be there or be Square!  (Oops! Please disregard that last comment, SpongeBob! No offense intended.)  

Seriously, here are the six remaining finalists who you will see perform this coming Sunday.  One of these lovely/handsome contestants will get axed!  (Elimination is such a mundane word to use). 

  • Zig rich Zsigmond
  • Isabelle Mavendorf
  • VikkiLynn Caproni
  • Clint Quandry
  • FreedomRock Rhiadra
  • AngelRaella Shelman

(BTW...I will be there to officially check to see who has been biting their fingernails also). 

So..Let me ask you something.. Why bother with your irritating RL stuff on Sunday when you can come into SL and have some great fun & entertainment!  Besides, RL seems to have gotten a lot of bugs lately... And until they get them all resolved, personally I think that I will also come to this SL CWS weekend event  and enjoy the nice pretty pixels on center stage. Maybe I will bring my own popcorn, too!

On the subject of nails again (...and yes, I do have this obsession about nails).  A fashionable bit of personal accessorizing are those Femme Fatalons. Often filed to a nice sharp point and extending well past the end of the fingertip.  Just remember to wear a masking glove to hide those old "Ruth" nails you still insist on wearing under these nails.

 And this little tidbit of information also goes out to all of the men out in SL land - You have been officially warned.  These nails often identify the woman wearing them as, to say the very least - dangerous, hostile, and predatory.

So, Boys, if you see us ladies wearing them here in SL, just take special note that we are probably having a very bad SL hair day!  Stronger than steel and sharper than a scalpel, we cut and slash, mame and destroy! LOL

It's uncanny how in the movies, the woman with the pointed fingernails seemingly always tended to be portrayed as the villianess.  While Power Hair at least lends to the benefit of the doubt (mostly because most people have hair, Ha!), it's a rare to see a woman wearing these sharp nails and be on the side of good. Maybe it's the claw-like, implied sadist, finger-licking evil look... 

Enough said on that!  Let's chat about what I found out...I have received credible information (from a very reliable undisclosed senior source within CWS) that none other than the infamous Cruella de Vil is gainfully employed here at CWS!  Yes, you heard it! And rumor is that she is presently working under the guise of a trainer. That's right! That rich, moody, eccentric character that steals puppies is here in CWS plotting her net move.

Cruella I believe is none other than Janet Brink.  Oh sure, she leads you on to believe that she is the Simon-Brink or somebody else of the fashion critics here.  That is simple a diversion. She is in fact Cruella.  I wasn't suspicious until I saw wearing those Cruella painted nails recently and that was enough to convince me (along with this uncanny photograph I took today). Oh..You still don't believe me, do you?  Well, please take a look at this photo and you be the judge for yourself:

Go ahead.. You tell me...

Back to the subject of nails again...Cruella does not wear these Fatalon Nails to the best of my knowledge (unless maybe she wears them under her gloves). 

Perhaps just wearing these talon type nails is the red light of warning for those around you. 

So, I guess you don't have to be truly evil (HeHe) or feel guilty wearing them thinking that you might be intimidating some muy macho guy. 

Hmmm... Let's think on that one before we take them off just yet, shall we?

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