Sunday, March 3, 2013

CWS: Lillou's Design Fashion Show 03.02.2013

by Becky Kénaan

Well, hello again everyone. Remember me, Becky Kénaan, your fun CWS Runway Run-Away Reporter?  I trust that you had fun over the weekend and are not suffering any consequences from any extra curricular activities - You know, like going out and maybe trying your abilities at Karaoke or just Clubbing it perhaps.... or something more dangerous like going out on a blind date! OMG!  That happened to me just the other day... I will tell you more about that one a bit later... LOL.

Before I get started with my blog on fashion, I thought that I would read you a recent letter that I received from one of my followers in my very own syndicated Becky "Boop with the Scoop" Opinion Column.  It reads as follows: 

Dear Ms. Boop, 
    I was just wondering if you could give me some advice on where to go to meet nice, smart, attractive guys with good jobs here in SL. I was just having this conversation this morning with some of my girlfriends here at CWS.  So many smart, beautiful girls are here in SL, but it seems that we struggle on where to meet a great guy here in SL.  You input is greatly appreciated - Signed, Still Looking
Dear Ms. Looking,
     I think the best way to meet someone you are compatible with is finding a place that really appeals to  both men & women and see if your Mr. Right can be found there.  Definitely NOT pole dancing or hanging out at some BDSM club. HA! ...And think twice about visiting one of those jazz or big enormous money pit ballroom places that we all have been to - You know, the one with the long bars and the gigantic dance floors with all of the lovely ladies standing in line waiting to get picked up - Commonly referred to what has been coined the "Meat Rack." As my Italian Uncle Louie "No-Neck" would say, 
     Now, when I say something that appeals to you... I don't necessarily mean shopping in the malls here.  These are things that men do for women, but don't necessarily enjoy doing by themselves. (Yes there are exceptions, but for the most part dudes aren't waking up early on the weekends and rushing to the malls to find bargains). So instead, why don't you try coming to the wonderful fashion events here at CLASSIC w/ STYLE.  It is a low-key show and a great and classy place to meet a guy. The bottom line is, don't drag yourself to places just to meet a guy.! Do things that you love like CLASSIC w/ STYLE and hopefully you will find someone here who can enjoy fashion with you. If nothing else you'll have a great time until you find Mr. Right. 
Becky "Boop with the Scoop" 

Now, before we get into some wonderful fashion chat - "NEWS FLASH!" 

You might have just recently heard a vicious rumor that I might have run away and eloped with SpongBob Squarepants.  Well, I want to squash that ugly, horrible, hurtful and despicable rumor right here and now!  For nothing could be farther from the truth!  We all know that he is still madly in love with Vicky Yoshikawa.  Yep, that's right! My VERY reliable source has informed me that they (meaning Vicky + SpongeBob) were actually going to tie the knot very soon (and I am not talking about a neuter). 

Vicky, we definitely need to talk, Hun..

CWS: Lillou's Fashion Design Showcase

Let's talk about Fashion and what to shop for now shall we?  I came into my blog today to talk shop! Not Wood Shop, Zig!  (Pfft! Obviously a Man Inhaling too much Sawdust) ...I mean SHOP, SHOP!  As in "Shopping Your Brains Out" and "Shop Until You Drop" sort of events! ... You know, spending all those hard-earned Lindens on nothing else better than fashionable clothing here to pamper and spoil yourself.  AND please don't try to convince me otherwise that you are saving your Lindens here for anything else...Really now!

On the topic of fashionable clothing - I just got back from an absolutely incredible fashion event showcase that featured Lillou's Design. 

Ms Lillou Merlin unveiled a variety of stunning, and diverse designs & styles that made me want to rush back into my bedroom and smash open my Piggy Bank.  I was drooling...I mean the clothing that she designs are so well done - and at the top of the charts in terms of how they fit the silhouettes of our beautiful models here at CWS.  Not to only mention the sizing as well as the color options that she has made available for each ensemble are truly amazing!   

Ms Lillou Merlin is one of the great designers in SecondLife.  Classic w/ Style was very honored to present her excellent designs.  Like many of us here in SecondLife, we are inspired when we see such great work!  I personally love her attention to detail and her wonderful sense of color that she applies on every piece of work she does. 

So, without further ado, here are a sampling of the mouth-watering clothing designs that I experienced at the CWS: lillou's Design Fashion Showcase Event:

I have identified just a few examples of her designs that I feel best exemplify her talents.  To really appreciate her work you MUST certainly go to her showroom or the SL marketplace see and experience the wonderful variety of her designs and styles she has. 

Ladies & Gentlemen, I would like to acknowledge and give special thanks to the following CWS Models for making this event so enjoyable to watch:

Tiffani Celestalis, Vicky Yongbo, Janet Brink, Nina Brianna, Summit Beaumont, Thrishia Denver, Laci Rossini, Liberty Lighthouse, LadySunfire Erin, 

Sidney Abbot, and Lisana Rossen

"Tap...Tap...Testing,..Testing...Is the microphone on?  Oh, you mean I don't need a mic, Anrol...Never Mind."

Well, so much for the Microphone... Anyway I wanted to start off by telling you that  I absolutely fell in love with the monochromatic SHAMALAYA  Shiny Dress - a long, close to the body fitting mermaid shaped mesh dress in a gray white textured pattern  I just love the texture and the weave of it! A definite Retro 1940's chic ensemble look, like the Front Girl during the big band era of Glenn Miller.  Absolutely Stunning! I just love the look of that very sexy sliinky dress and those long black gloves topped by white lace on the upper arms.  The white feathered boa covering the bare shoulders is lovely.  Oooo La Lah! Those gloves gives the gown such a nice touch! And, both the beautiful white headpiece and boa complement this outfit so well! 

Another absolutely mouth-watering delight was the FANNY- A very nicely done flaired, overblouse top with unattached matching sleeves in silk and knit combination texturing.  Yummy! This green one just emptied my Piggy-Bank! HA! I think that it was the shiny sequins that caught my eye on the short unattached dress that did it! Well... I am looking in my purse now for that coupon...Hmmm...Where did I leave that darn thingy?

Then I observed the MARIA dress.  I went insane..Yes, you heard me I-N-S-A-N-E !!! This is worse than waiting in line for my Starbuck's Vente Carmel Latte or my Frappuccino in the morning!  I have to have this one!!!  It is a beautiful taffeta layered gown with wings!  I must have died and gone to heaven after I saw this! The strapless top with a bra shaped bust line hugs down to the waist, featuring magnificent flowers in the front. The skirt of this fabulous gown is constructed of numerous lace ruffled layers. The wide ruffled winged-collar accentuates the models beautiful bare shoulders, while the long gloves and the leaf-shaped flowered hat finishes this gown beautifully!  Take your Man to Lillou's and make him buy you one of these!! (Psst!  Ladies... he can spring for it...Lie to him about accompanying him to a dance or something... you cunningly creative! LOL). Show him the color you want then tell him that it was his idea all along...LOL !  It's available in various colors!

GEORGIA - This gown is just fantastic! The "thump" everyone heard was when I fainted and my head hit the stage as I saw this gown literally flowing down the runway! The center strap top of this gown gracefully supports the transparent laced bodice that just barely conceals the breasts with  flower-shaped lacing... Please I can barely keep going here... Then the midriff is snuggly wrapped with a beautiful patterned lace . This is the kind of dress that calls out to me screaming "BECCCCYYYY - BUY THIS DRESS - YOU NEED THIS DRESS!  (My Knees are still Wobbling) 

So, I held my breath (and pressed the Mint Julip drink tightly to my breasts) as I swooned over the look of this fabulous gown.  My God!  There ought to be a law against showing me these outfits all at once!!! Doesn't Anrol understand the meaning to the term "Sensory Overload"  or what!!! I suddenly screamed, 

 "Take me Home!  
Them Damn Yankees are burning down Tara, Rhett !!!" 

Just when I thought that it was safe to open my eyes again,  I saw the PALOMA.  After the smelling salts kicked in, I came back from unconsciousness and peaked (mind you) again to see if my mind was still playing tricks on me.  Ladies, if you ever want to catch a Man, I mean THIS is the gown to do it in!  This is it after all!  It is done in classic black and lends a very formal feel about it with just the right amount of colored playfulness.   The Bees are buzzing on this gown!  With the addition of a spray of tropical "Bird of Paradise" colored flowers on the chest and hat, I will definitely stay clear of my next door neighbor's Bee Farm. And for you ladies that already have a Man, put this dress on his "Honey-Do" list or just simply coerce him into buying this one for you as well.  Use all of your available tools on this one indeed!...LOL  (and YES, the hat is included!)  Don't you just love how the elbow gloves balance aesthetically with the wild spray of that hat, also?   The traditional gown skirt is also so well designed and it finishes up so very nicely as it transcends to the floor.

Well...after I saw the SCANDELICIOUS worn by Janet and Liberty, I knew that there was a God and then asked myself whether or not I was in heaven.  This gown is just amazing to watch.  It is art in motion. And, you certainly don't even need 3D glasses to appreciate the true depth and sophistication of this wonderful gown -  From its strapless straight bust line top...down to its multiple layers of lace, it is a masterpiece! I love how the gown is topped by a short skirt adorned with such beautifully embroidered flowers that caress the top and lend such a very romantic touch to this design creation. The romantic mood of this gown is accentuated by the beautiful feathered wings. Kings and Princes will ask you for a dance ladies, so be forewarned!

Here we have the GINA in mesh worn by CWS Model Tiffany LILLOU'S DESIGNS!

You will have an air of intrigue when you don GINA.  At first glance I thought that it was none other than Tatiana Romanova - You know, that sexy Russian office clerk that was used to lure James Bond to Istanbul in the movie, "From Russia With Love."  You can also feel just like this Seductress in this striped loosely fit coat with matching hoodie, blouse and slacks. It also comes in a variety of patterns with five different sizes. Go to the store and check all of them out!  

My eyes were also treated and pleasantly teased by the new BETTY LOU gown in mesh that was worn by our CWS Models Lisana, Tiffany and Laci. From just under its strapless bodice, the elegant skirting transcends elegantly as a taper then flares gracefully as it reaches the floorline. It is adorned with gorgeous flowers laid over the breasts, which then wrap over the bare shoulder and across the back in a huge spray of different sized flowers interlaced with long, thin strands of straw, and small sparkling dots flowing all around.  It was complemented by a beautiful flower shaped hat, giving the final touch to this stunning gown that says, "Voila!"

CWS: Now Celebrating Its' 5 Year Anniversary! YAY!! Bring IT ON!!!

For all those people considering to become a fashion model here in SL, one cannot get a better education than what Classic w/ Style (CWS) offers.  CWS provides the training and skill set development you need to make it here in the SL as a quality fashion model - whether it is modeling on the runway or posing for advertising.   Learn how to walk, present yourself, use the huddles and integrate poses into your runway performances, while building your self-confidence to reach that goal one one day becoming a Super Model. Why I never blogged before coming into CWS.  And just look at what I have learned here on my blog from CWS. (Please overlook my Typon-ese, HA!). They have the best of instructors to teach you in beginning classes as well as in the advanced classes to tickle your every modeling fancy! And... the tips you learn on how to compose and balance your modeling photography are worth their weight in gold!

A major part of being a successful runway model is learning from the best and that is exactly what you will discover once you enroll in the University. Now you may think that walking is easy, but it takes a level of finesse to walk in a way that makes you stand out while enhancing any fashion show. Learn how to correctly edit clothing, hair and your jewelry for proper fitting. Once you get the technical aspect of understanding the different runway walks down, you will  practice and practice and then watch as your confidence grows. And, at CWS you will learn so much and be exposed to great techniques and class from "Simply the Best." 

So make the SecondLife World your stage and get enrolled at Classic w/ Style University.  You won't be disappointed!  And just remember that classes do book up early.  This is an investment in your modeling career future, and   planning ahead means staying ahead!

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