Friday, March 1, 2013

CWS: Becky Kénaan's Final Exam on 2/28/2013

Hello there once again. This is Becky Kénaan, your CWS Runway "Run-away" Reporter who just so happened to take her Final Exam today. The test was administered by Anrol with both Janet Brink and Steve101 in attendance.  

Becky Kénaan Taking Her Casual Outfit Photo

During the first part of the exam, I was required to demonstrate my runway abilities at the University's Basic Runway.  I performed my practical runway testing on this stage by utilizing my Huddle and stopping at seven dots with three poses each for a total of 21 poses, (in addition to my neutral pose).  After I had reached the 7th dot and performed my last three poses, I was then  asked on an impromptu basis to give an "on the spot" description of the outfit that I was wearing.  This was asked of me to best see how I could answer something on my feet without rehearsal. 

Becky Kénaan Taking Her "Ruth" Character Test

I was then asked to take a photo of myself in my casual outfit.  After that, I was then asked to perform a Character Test and then come back by rezzing quickly into a bikini outfit. During this time I was directed to take a full body photographs of my "Ruth" female test character along with my rezzed bikini quick change outfit.  Once fully rezzed back, I was quizzed on how I actually made my quick change insofar as the technique I used.  This test also required my demonstration as to my proficiency to & knowledge of my Huddle by then effectively first inviting Anrol and then Janet into my Huddle to synchronize with me in the use of my various poses.   

Becky Kénaan Rezzing into a Bikin Outfit 

We then moved on to the Second Part of the Final Modeling Exam. My assignment was to travel to five (5) runways of Classic with Style (CWS)  and then write a personal description of each runway.  After I had completed that component of the final exam, I was to then describe the experience of my final exam along with my descriptions to each of the CWS runways I was assigned to visit and experience. Below is a Summary of my Findings:

CWS Beach Runway (North Side)

CWS Beach Runway (North Side):

The first Runway I traveled to was the CWS Beach Runway North Side. This is an outdoor Runway environment.  I landed approximately 1/3 of the way across the length of a bridge.  This bridge spans over a long rectangular reflecting pond. This rectangular reflecting pond elegantly flanks the entire length of the A & B runways.The pond also serves as a beautiful visual transition / buffer between the north side of the runway and a green grassy knoll. The bridge aligns on formal axis to both the center stage of the runway and the formal stairs beyond the knoll that leads to the promenade of the University.  It has a very nice sense of arrival and it is stunningly dramatic.  Along the north flank of the runways are six (6) red cloth-draped circular tables with red dining chairs.  The stage appears to be lavender in color with four large, single lavender lounge sofas on each side of center stage. The logo "Classic with Style" is embedded on the center-stage floor in variegated gold & bronze leaf lettering.

CWS Dome Stage (Left Hand Side)

CWS Dome Stage (Left Hand Side): 

My next LM stop was at to the CWS Dome Stage Left-Hand Side.  (That is me you see posing just to the left side of the center stage...LOL.)  Overall. this is a magnificent earth dome-shaped Fashion Event Theater with multi-level seating - all contained within a high volumed Galleria Hall.  It is splendidly adorned with a backdrop of gorgeously hung, deep lavender- bordeaux drapes with two stunningly beautiful abstract gold model structures with waterfall cornucopias  that effective bring grace and elegance to the Event Hall. 

CWS Red Runway Entrance

CWS Red Runway Entrance:

There is good architecture, then there is great architecture.  That is how I would best describe this CWS Red Runway Entrance. During the Renaissance Revival Period, architects would often play with the use of bas-relief and perspective paintings to visually extend the depth to an interior of a space by the use of "forced perspective" drawings.  Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.  The clever use of the stage curtain painted as red carpeted floor with the gold balustrades (in single point perspective) optically manipulates one's perception and visual extends the depth of the runway. I love the interplay of red and gold as a the interior color scheme contained within the walls of this CWS Red Runway. I also thought that the painted renaissance ceilings were very classy and added richness to the space.  Nicely Done!

CWS Ballroom Runway For Audience

CWS Ballroom Runway For Audience:

The CWS Ballroom Runway For Audience is probably my favorite interior.  It is playful in its use of vivid circular neon shapes & colors played against repetitious layered spandrals and the splendid use of runway path uplighting adds both a feeling of sophistication and ambiance to the stage.  The 3 color-changing runways  converge at the circular center stage at 90 degree angles from one another and are very fun and sexy! I love the cascading, glass ellipical stair treads that flow down almost seamlessly from the backstage areas to the runways. The high volumes, the gothically inspired glass curtain wall design, the wonderful stained glass model silhouettes that flank the main entry, and the overhead ceiling trusswork all add to the splendid ambiance and sophistication of this Ballroom Runway.  The multi-colored, strong spherical geometric audience seating pods integrated into transcending stairs are also in particular 
very fun!    

CWS Finale Stage (Left-Hand Side)

CWS Finale Stage (Left-Hand Side):

My last visit was paid to the CWS Finale Stage which LM placed me along the left side of the runway.  From that vantage point, I appreciated the classically arranged layout of the interior space, complete with gorgeous red and gold Chinese drapery as a touch of elegant backdrop and class.  The brilliant Pink translucent ceiling system and space trussing opens and leads one's eye skyward to the City's high rise buildings surrounding and caressing this magnificent Finale Stage and Runway Showcase. I love the Sistine Chapel-like vaulted ceiling with Michelangelo's creation mural, the interactive use of large screened monitors, and the beautifully balustrade railing that graces the stairs in this truly wonderful space.

Thank you, Classic w/ Style! 

I would like to thank CWS for the opportunity to enroll in this Modeling Program.  It has been a joy being taught by excellent instructors / trainers,  working and participating with all of the other students while at once learning so much about modeling and the finesse and grace of being a CWS Model.


Becky Kénaan

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