Tuesday, March 5, 2013

CWS: Hip Hop Shuck & Jive "So You Think You Can Dance"

by Becky Kénaan 

Well, well, well .... I see that you are back for more - and you are obviously looking for even juicier information on what happened at the last elimination round at Classic with Style's "So You Think You Can Dance."  So, please have a seat and let me tell you all about it.  

But first I did get this request from one of my concerned readers to my Becky Boop with the Scoop syndicated column:

Dear Ms. Boop:  I have been accused of being "old school." But, I just don't understand these youngsters today with all of their loud music, their awful bright jewelry, baggy pants, and gang banger looks doing this thing called "Hip Hop" Dancing!  There ought to be a ban on this type of dancing.  Why, please inform your readers about my concerns so that we can have more civility in the world around us.  The music is loud and it disturbs my cat, "Fluffy."   
Sincerely, Mrs. Gladimore Flatbottom.  

Dear Mrs Concerned: You's seem t'have lost da damn whole point about Hip Hop boogeyin', honkyfool! Right on! Boogeyin' be about 'espressin' yo' self and da damn artistic freedom t provides ya' wid on de boogie floo'. You's need t'snatch some lesson and dig some earplugs fo' "Fluffy" and start enjoyin' wats left! Right on! 
Sincerely, Becky "Boop wid da' Scoop"

Anyway....Oh, you mean you are already sitting down with your computer? Then "Never Mind." HAHA! ...You Do remember Rosanna Rosanna Dana, don't you? HA!  She was so funny on those early Saturday Night Live Shows. She would try to make a point about something or other and then she would get off so far on a topic then after all was said and done she would retract her whole point of discussion.  (Hey, wait a minute...YOU think I am doing that now, do you?) Okay, okay... let me talk to you more specifically and get back to the Competition then...

Grinding-teeth..biting fingernails - all the signs of stress as the drama and suspense mounts – only 4 contestants now remain on the catwalk in the Classic w/ Style “So You Think You Can Dance” competition. 

They are as follows:

Zig rich Zsigmond
VikkiLynn Caproni
Clint Quandry
FreedomRock Rhiadra

The in-house CWS dentist reported to me on Sunday that, after the event, all of the contestants had to apparently have their jawbones wired to mend from the incredible teeth-jarring  hip hop performances from Sunday’s second round of elimination. Yep!  That's right!  And it is all attributable to that Hip hop music they danced to.  My God!!! I still have bruises on the top of my skull trying some of those head-spinning dance maneuvers!

I am now sitting with my laptop, having a few drinks at this swingin' Hip Hop Bar with our past contestants - AngelRaella, Agee, and now Isabelle (the poor thing - having to sip her beer through a straw you know).  
 Anyway, we are all looking over these final contestants and wondering just who will get "axed" next.  The competition has been incredibly fierce.  Hmmm..please excuse me for a second... What are you mumbling to me, Isabelle?  Oh yes..thank you dear. Isabelle just informed me that her jaw wiring will be removed tomorrow.  Hmmm... Do you think that Zig's jar will heal as quickly also, Isabelle?... You don't do you? That's fine, hun. He will get over it. And besides, I like the serenity around CWS lately... It is different! HA!

You know, I just don't get it... I mean, I like the music and I find the clothing to be so hip and all, but come on and give me a freakin' break will you! I realize that it is a culture that has evolved now for over the last 20 years...  BUT, you would at least think that we could get an SL translator for all of that "Jive and Shuck" without the need for me to consult with Agee as my personal interpreter now would you? 

For many people, Hip Hop has emerged as a whole new way of life and it is expressed in cultural arenas in both dance and clothing styles. 

Speaking of clothing, it is amazing how its styles have emerged. For many people, hip hop clothing is at the top of their personal fashion statement. Did you realize that, as we chat, new styles are being created? And, even the old vintage hip hop fashion remains a fashion trend that will certainly be around for many years to come. 

Fancy that!  I just realized to myself that I can just simply dust off one of several old past boyfriend's varsity letterman's jacket or football jersey and wear my Yankee baseball cap (with a little bling here and there) and be a cool sister!  Why, I just bet that you can just go sneak into your favorite dude's messy closet and can find one of his favorite sports team jerseys to be at the top of the hip hop fashion scene!   Ladies - He will probably never miss it, so keep the jersey (like I did).  Besides, I hear that many people are spending big bucks on just one jersey. BTW...I also have a whole collection if you want to buy one from me. LOL!

Never mind the fact that Ziggy zagged his way on the center stage, defying gravity and doing his very own Hip Hop version.  Never mind that you were thrilled by that that tumble, shuck and jive of his!  “It’s Cool Baby, Gimme Some of Dat Skin!”  but NOOOO!..Let’s all fall for the pretty one, VickiLynn Caproni, again used her wits as well as her tattooed body to charm and dazzle our imaginations with such Hip-Hop talent never seen before here on SecondLife.

Well, you know what? There’s more to Hip Hop than Shuck and Jive! Maybe you’ll realize that when Clint Quandry makes his killing with his Music and Dancing and goes platinum with his next recording... We will certainly see just who is laughing then! 

I was just a bit very slightly annoyed when Clint started talking about having the muscular control in Hip Hop Dancing to contort his body into unbelievable positions. What the heck!   Don't you even realize what we have to go through at times to satisfy you guys? Now THAT is HipHop!
And...As for you Mr. Freedomrock smarty pants, I couldn't get over your incredible performance except for one tiny thingy.... Your choice in music  "Walk this way" as originally recorded by Areosmith. Bad timing, Dude!  Didn't you hear the report in the news the other day that an award was just handed out to the world's oldest living woman in Japan.  Yep! That's right! She just turned 115 years old last week.  And I heard that it came as a complete surprise to none other than the second oldest woman in the world -  Steven Tyler! HA! I would not think that he would be all that happy with you at the moment, Freedomrock!  But, if it is any consolation to you, I did enjoy your selection!

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