Wednesday, May 2, 2018

SWANK Events May '18 "Wild Spring" Premiers the LUXE Paris Wild Night Top & Skirt - Setting the Higher Bar for Haute Couture Trends in SL

As with a painting, fashion is relevant to our culture’s appreciation as a true art 
form - for it mirrors the habits and tastes of our times both past and present. 

Fashion is also an artifact of culture which teaches us about societies’ histories. 

However, there is a line between fashion and canvas art.  Regardless
of whether it is here or in RL, fashion is a cultural art which is intrinsically 
woven into our lives as a fluid, non-static form of personal expression.

This LUXE Paris Wild Night Top & Skirt is the epitome of such a fabric, for it
is born from not only the roots of African Culture with its leopard skin 
textures, but also from the very origins of Luxe Paris itself. 

This design embodies the spirit and inspiration of early Luxe Paris designs dating back
to its origins in Second Life on an enchanted jungle island sim called "Bikini Bay."

I remember those early days when I first started modeling for LUXE Paris Fashion. 
 Since then, LUXE Paris has evolved to become a predominant fashion leader 
in the French haute couture here in Second Life. 

LUXE Paris trend setting designs contantly amaze me. They continue to evolve, 
and as such have never been more exquisitely refined than today. 

With Second Life comes great innovations from both Paris Skytower and Mika Palmyra. 
Their combined passions & efforts set the bar in haute couture trends here in SL. 

These fashion artists in this virtual world play by almost the same aesthetic rules as in RL.
Their finished products are justifiably as wearable in RL as they are here in SL. 

Their fashion design sense and approach is straightforward - they combine
the relative RL realms of high fashion with pragmatics into every piece they create.

Paintings and architecture can bring about a feeling of awe 
because of their beauty and contributions to our culture. 

This LUXE Paris Wild Night Top & Skirt outfit achieves a similar feeling with its 
beautiful leopard textured cross wrapped long sleeve top and matching mini skirt.

It is this use of imagination which crosses the boundaries between RL and SL  -
Lending both tribute and testimony to the LUXE Paris Brand. 

Thus, in its truest sense, Luxe Paris Fashion is artistry in motion which creates a 
catalyst for dialogue for the exchange of ideas in both of our worlds.

Store: LUXE Paris Fashion
Designers: Paris Skytower & Mika Palmyra
Product: Wild Night Top & Skirt
Collection: Wild Spring
Release: May 2018
Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

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