Sunday, April 15, 2018

SWANK Events April '18 "City of Angels" WILD Fashion's Lady Angel Gown - God is in the Details

This month's (April) SWANK Event's theme is called "City of Angels." That said,
I believe that there is both beauty and a message here from the Angels amongst all of us.

Nice Wildrose of Wild Fashion brings this beauty into both our hearts and our minds
with her heavenly designs like this stunning WILD Fashion Lady Angel Gown. 

I believe that Angels assist us in bringing a sort of divine balance into our lives. 
 I also believe that Angels constantly whisper to us on what is right and what is wrong.

We sometimes forget the meaning and the importance of having balance in our lives. 
We constantly face a barrage of stress in our mortal existence and we also become
preoccupied with what others may think of us, who we should be, do or become.

Often, people feel the need to withdraw from the world for a time because they sense deep within themselves that their lives have become terribly unbalanced - yet they don’t know what to do to correct the matter. I think that is why many of us come here into Second Life. For some, SL  tends more to become an opiate rather than the cure to finding balance. 

Allowing yourself to step back from your real life and into Second is okay too, so long as 
you can use SL to fulfill a sense of purpose. I come here to write and create beauty.

I also enjoy sharing my passions on fashion, while maintaining a 
sense of value & appreciation to those around me. 

The big picture for me is the fact that we are all a part of God’s infinite universe. 
Not having this fundamental understanding only serves to disrupt our energy fields 
and obscures our purpose driven existence – regardless whether it is in RL or here in SL. 

I think that my Angel whispers to me to examine carefully all the areas of 
my life which are the most important and come from the heart.

"God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, 
but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7)

My Angel serves to remind me that the God’s menu for Life is truly abundant. Opening
your heart to God begins this wonderful journey for God is the truth, the light & the way. 

So take a deep breath and simply ask yourself what you really want in life. 
 Asking for God’s forgiveness and to come into your life takes the burden of 
the world and it’s worldly misconceptions off of your shoulders 
and places it squarely on God’s shoulders. 

Over time you will find that your days are much less stressed and there is 
a greater sense of balance and peace in your life. It becomes purpose driven. 

This will be reflected in everything that you do, no matter how ordinary it 
may appear to be or complicated it may become. 

Understanding that you are loved by God and accepting
him into your heart is all that really matters.

Store: WILD Fashion
Designer: Nice Wildrose
Product: Lady Angel Gown
Collection: City of Angels 
Release: April 2018 
Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

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