Thursday, June 6, 2019

Swank Events June '19 Introduces Wild Fashion & Beauty's Helena Dress - Wildrose's Biophilic Gift to Second Life

Our relationship with nature is called "Biophilia." It is Latin for "The Love of Nature."

This love of nature is reflected in Wild Fashion & Beauty's Helena Dress.

Biophilia is an innate aspect of our biological makeup. From a fashion design 
standpoint, it has both practical and emotional health benefits. 

Today, fashion is consciously including the organic fractal patterns 
of nature into the fabrics that we wear. 

What makes people happy?  How do people draw their sense of well-being 
from what they wear? How does fashion influence our health? 

From the flora and animals on this planet to the spiral galaxies beyond - 
patterns of nature are all around us. These are referred to as fractal patterns. 

Fractal patterns are chaotic equations containing repeating 
patterns of complexity and magnitude. 

The HUD applied reptilian, organic and dotted patterns used by Wildrose of 
Wild Fashion & Beauty for this Helena Dress are especially good examples. 

Fractals such as these are a natural wonder – recursive and seemingly infinite. 
Fractal usage adds to the design’s interest while not making it overwhelming. 

The symmetry of dots also falls into this biophilic category and is a 
valuable tool in the Wildrose’s biophilic fashion designer’s arsenal. 

The use of these patterns gives us the ability to reconnect with nature. 
It also strengthens the human-nature connection we all crave for. 

Nature is the ultimate sensory and discovery experience.

There is something special that touches our inner human spirit when
we experience nature with our senses and then translate those
experiences into our architectural and fashion worlds. 

Store: Wild Fashion & Beauty
Designer: Nice Wildrose
Product: Helena Dress
Release: June 2019
Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

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