Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Atlas Luxury Lounge and Steam & Sensuality Venues - Immersing Your Erotic Senses with Elegance, Class and Sophistication

In Greek Mythology, Atlas and his brother Menoetius had sided with the great Titans in 
their war against the Olympians, the Titanomachy. As it is told, the Titans were 
defeated, and many of them (including Menoetius) were confined to Tartarus. 

The God Zeus, in retribution for Atlas leading the Titans into battle, 
condemned him to stand at the western edge of Gaia (the Earth) - 
to hold up the sky on his shoulders, thus preventing 
the two from ever resuming their primordial embrace. 

He was Atlas Telamon, or ‘enduring Atlas,’ a name embodying his daily 
struggle, punishment & obsequious role in holding up the heavens. 

Atlas, although a slave to Zeus for all eternity, was known as 
being stout-hearted, strong and resilient. And, within the walls of the 
Atlas Luxury Lounge resides this same strength, obsequiousness & resiliency.

Atlas’ iconic statue at the entry is a symbolic calling to all of us - for it 
is a reminder to the Dominance or servitude we seek to imbibe.

The Atlas Luxury Lounge and Steam & Senuality Venues
is an exclusively private membership adult club. 

The theme is of modern look decadence - 
with a touch of steampunk, garnished with sophisticated, art deco 
and streamline architecture of the 1920’s 1930’s and 1940’s.

The attention to detail and quality of surroundings whispers quietly in your ear 
while you are being sensually seduced by its erotic charm. 

The superb artwork at the Atlas Lounge plays an important part of its overall theme. 
Jazz and Band Era Impressionistic paintings hang on the walls which serve to promote 
affectionate conversations in this very elegant, relaxing and seductive environment.

Members come attired in tasteful, semi-formal to formal wear. 
R & B, Jazz, along with Smooth and Big Band Era sounds resonates to 
your very soul as you experience its daringly lustful atmosphere.

This music along with the lighting, artwork, animations and spatial ambiance 
combine to instill mood, intimacy and enhancement to the romance in your life. 

For these very alluring reasons you’ll certainly want to come see 
what fate has in store for your senses at the Atlas Luxury Lounge.

Click on this for its' Location in Second Life:

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