Friday, November 23, 2018

The Artwork of Etta Teichmann - Leading your Mind from Discovery to Sensual Surprise

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "Lovers"

Have any of you ever seen Etta Teichmann’s artwork here in Second Life? 

 While exploring the Second Life world, I was fortunate to come into contact with 
Etta personally and then look at some of her work and discuss it with her. 

Paisley Place - The Sensual Side Exhibition 

If you haven’t seen her artwork, you are missing out on quite a treat. 

Etta is a real life artist with a deep and passionate appreciation for 
beauty in the natural world and within the human spirit. 

Her work is executed in a vibrant, impressionistic style which (while
still retaining its representational roots) incorporates abstract 
elements, resulting in a uniquely contemporary union.

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "Concerto"

After coming to Second Life in 2007, Etta has expanded her exposure and 
brought her art to the virtual world. She does wonderful artwork -  
art pieces which are perfect for that special statement you 
may be looking for at your home or venue here in SL. 

 Wherever you display her artwork, she hopes that you will enjoy
experiencing it as much as she enjoyed creating it.

Etta's dedication to creating beautiful and expressive paintings
has manifested broadly into the development of a wide range of 
enthusiastic collectors, exhibitions, and awards.

Etta's artwork is now represented by a number of galleries. In addition to these
galleries, she continues to exhibit in a select group of invitational exhibitions each year.

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "Woodsie"

Meeting for the very first time, we had a great conversation. 

 We talked at length about our creative energy and how our brains work to 
channel our creativity. We have learned to transition our minds into another 
state of consciousness when we design. We refer to this as our “Alpha State”
to set our imagination free from distractions during the design process. 

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side  "Silhouette"

By entering into our Alpha State, we can acutely focus a higher level 
of creativity through this meditative state. Etta uses it to create her paintings 
and sculpture. I use it with my architectural design to visualize space. 

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "The Waltz"

These deep states of consciousness are directly related to the ever-changing 
electrical, chemical, and architectural network areas of the brain.

Many have heard the terms “left brain” versus “right brain” thinking. These 
two hemispheres of the brain control our analytical and conceptual abilities respectively. This is referred to as bicameral thinking.

This theory is based on the fact that the brain is divided into two unique
hemispheres - with each side performing different functions and specialties.

This first came to light in the 1960s, thanks to the research of 
psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry.

For the artist in us, the theory is that we use much of our right 
brain side during the creative process. The right brain is more visual 
and intuitive. It’s sometimes referred to as the analog brain. It has a more 
creative and less structured way of thinking. It is where we derive our 
intuition, holistic thinking, imagination and visualization abilities.

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "Liberation"

By contrast, the left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly 
than the right brain. It’s sometimes called the digital brain. It’s better at 
things like reading, logic, linear thinking and computation.

Our brain is such a fascinating and complex living machine. Understanding
how it works offers insight into who we are and how we think. 

Paisley Place: The Sensual Side "Pout"

Regardless if you’re working out complicated algebraic equations, 
creating environmental design or abstract art like Etta’s, both sides 
of your brain are actively participating and providing input. 

Understanding this is key to lifelong learning. It empowers us to utilize 
the brain for new discoveries yet to come and in understanding our journey 
towards deeper self-awareness, vibrancy and mental health. 

Seeing and appreciating Etta’s sensual artwork is one such marvelous discovery!

Studio: Paisley Place
Artist: Etta Teichmann 
Collection: The Sensual Side
Landmark (Click): Paisley Place

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