Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Swank Around the World August Event Premiers the LUXE Paris BUBBLOR Dress - Something Fresh and Happy.

The clothes you choose to wear affect your behavior, 
attitude, personality, mood, and confidence. 

It is called enclothed cognition. 

I just came off of a big modeling competition. Like every model who 
experiences the stress, the ups and downs, and the anxiety of such an event, 
it left me feeling somewhat empty and sad at its conclusion. 

Without a doubt, I had a blast participating - but nonetheless it left me feeling 
emotionally drained.  So, I said to myself, "when life gives you lemons, instead 
of making lemonade try making bubbles." For bubbles are the key to happiness! 

Just like popping bubblewrap, it instantly returned a sense of joy 
and purpose to my Second Life World once more. 

What you choose to wear definitely effects your mental state.  So, to climb 
out of my mental funk, I decided to wear something fresh and happy. 

I needed something bubbly and fun to wear. So, instead of 
moping "poor me" around the house, I tried on this 
LUXE Paris BUBBLOR Pink Bubbles Dress with White Halter. 

It instantly shifted my mood and internal self. 
Those grey skies simply melted away! 

This dress is cheerful, brightly colored and an instant 
boost to my mood, spirit and energy!

This bright pink Bubblor sheer dress playfully glides across its white 
halter undergarment with stunning pizazz and flirtatious fun!  

I played up my girly girl status in this very pretty pink bubble patterned 
dress by pairing it with my favorite pearl jewelry and strappy heels. 

Wearing this dress renews my positive feeling, attractiveness and 
confidence in every way. So take pride in how you look 
and enhance how you feel about yourself. 

Own the World wearing this uplifting LUXE Paris Bubblor Dress!

Store: LUXE PARIS Fashion
Designers: Mika Palmyra & Paris Skytower
Products: BUBBLOR Dress
Collection: Swank Around The World
Release: August 2018 
Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Gorgeous pictures and beautiful text, Becky! Bravo and thank you! You rock!
