Wednesday, April 4, 2018

SWANK Events April '18 "City of Angels" Theme Premiers the BYRNE ZeAngel Dress - One Sexy Piece of Winged Heavenly Delight

For me personally, fashion here in Second Life is all about show, dreams 
and fantasy. Take this winged BYRNE ZeAngel Dress for example. 

It's very exciting wearing something so fantasized which is extraordinarily 
stunning, which also gives you a little break from your real life world. 

As someone who loves both fantasy and fashion, I'm consistently
inspired by the fantastic dresses that appear here in Second Life. 

As a designer in real life, I have always been someone who enjoys visual 
stimulation whenever playing here in Second Life — not in the form of 
crazy creatures, but instead with the elaborate, stunning  
and dramatic dresses that this world offers. 

I'm often completely enchanted by the interesting shapes and exaggerated 
silhouettes, the stunning hues and patterns, and the impressive imagination 
that so obviously goes into the thought and design of any given piece.

For it is here in Second Life where fashion tells its own story through these 
amazing silhouettes. The winged BYRNE ZeAngel Dress is this kind of dress.  

It makes you wish it was appropriate to walk (or fly) around 
in such a bedazzling and magical outfit all the time. Ha!

Forget about its extremely impractical nature and look instead to its 
sheer beauty - taking inspiration from its design then applying it to our 
contemporary, everyday style in real life. 

It's surely a fantastic fantasy dress having an influence on today’s modern styles 
inspired by its looks. This is one sexy piece of heavenly clothing indeed.

Store: B Y R N E
Designer: B Y R N E (byrnedarkly.cazalet)
Product: ZeAngel Dress
Collection: City of Angels
Release: April 2018
Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

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