Saturday, December 3, 2016

LUXE Paris Premieres the Quintessential HALLE Dress @ SWANK EVENTS December

LUXE Paris makes a fashion statement with their newly 
released avant garde HALLE Dress. 

I absolutely love the bare shoulders look with its 
fitted snake skin patterned strapless bodice. 

The billowy poufed and magnificently crafted skirt
cinches tight and smart high at the waist, accented by a 
large bow with exquisite metal bead embroidery. 

With its juxtaposed crispness & softness, this is an extraordinary 
dress, quintessentially modern with all the drama 
and extravagance that will make the SL fashion press swoon. 

It has the innocence of the fifties and the drama of 
the eighties mixed with the decadent details of the 1700s. 

No matter how lovely this looks in this blog I cannot adequately 
convey in words how it transforms your body in SL. 

Seriously, one of the most beautiful dresses 
that I have ever seen here in SL!

And, all wrapped in a gorgeous bow for Christmas!

Store: LUXE Paris Fashion
Designers: Mika Palmyra & Paris Skytower
Product: HALLE Dress 
Collection: Winter 2016
Release: December

Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

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