Sunday, April 10, 2016

GLITTER Spring Gown at SWANK EVENTS April Evokes “Fifty Shades of Red!”

Well, this gorgeous deep red Glitter Spring Gown certainly 
brings the sexual attraction factor into high focus.

Like bulls in a ring, men will “see red” and become unable 
to control their senses seeing you in this fabulous gown. 

The color red has an ubiquitous perceptual experience on all of us. 
It affects our reasoning, our senses, moods and behavior. 

Some may argue that a brief glimpse of red
affects our senses due to cultural conditioning
without conscious sexual awareness and/or intention.

I believe that this color evokes sensual
motivation as a sexual signal to attract men. 

Throughout history, the color red has been used by women 
to lure men. Red may also be a cue to him that she is at 
her most fertile point in her reproductive cycle.

"Fifty Shades of Grey" should be renamed to “Fifty Shades of Red!” 

The moral to the story is that our color preferences can be
traced to our DNA. We adapt, through the course of
our lives, to prefer objects of certain colors.

That said, the color red is certainly one that associates
pleasurable sensual experiences in my mind. 

So ladies, I would be very wary of which color you wear
for which occasion -  especially if you intend wearing this
extremely sexy Glitter Spring Red Gown.

It is a fierce Killer!

Store: Glitter Fashion
Designer: Shine Messmer 
Product: Spring Gown in Deep Red  
Collection: Spring Summer 2016
Release: April 07

Available: Swank Event (Click Here)

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"

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