Sunday, February 7, 2016

The True Meaning of Friendship - Being Appreciative & Grateful

The true measure of friendship resides not so much in 
the number of things friends can discuss openly, but rather by 
the number of things that they need to no longer mention. 

A while back, I made an unintentional comment 
and hurt somebody's feelings. Realizing what I had done, 
I immediately and unequivocally apologized. 

My comment was misunderstood. We both 
discussed the incident and moved on since.
I thought that we were good. 

Last night, I was at a jazz club. I had come 
into the club to listen to a concert and to gather information to possibly write another one of my societal event blogs. 

There, I saw my friend for the first time since that incident. It was a very awkward moment for me personally. No greetings were exchanged. I was thrilled to see her but reluctant to reach out to say hello because she was busy dancing with her boyfriend. 

For the first time in my life, I felt conflicted 
on how to approach the situation... Should I reach out 
or just remain silent?  I chose the latter. 

As you know, some of our experiences in life
aren’t always pleasant. They are lessons that will
always be with us. This is one of those lessons for me.

Certainly, one of the most difficult things in life is finding friends who will stick around for the long haul. Those friends who appreciate and are grateful for what you have done for them unconditionally.

It is a two-way street based on value and that special personal 
inter-connection you feel towards each other.

The reality is that some people you may consider as a friend 
slowly trickle into distant memory and you're left wondering 
if you were even friends at all. 

This was my feeling inside me upon my departure.

Through life you realize how difficult it truly is to find good friends. People you've come in contact with constantly come and go. 

As you grow older, life certainly becomes more precious. Being successful in life is different for each of us and should be respected.

Maybe it is this very reason that we are 
less receptive to bringing new people into our worlds. 

But then again, there are those who last through 
all the years - Those who you truly value.

Thank you, Christiane.

Real friends come few and far in between. 

 The way you measure that is by 
how well you've been treated 
over the course of the relationship.

Not all friendships are good ones so a great 
friendship is something to truly treasure. 

The real measure of a great friendship in life is 
when someone will be around through both 
the peaks and the valleys that life throws at you.

Be as beautiful in the heart 
as you are in appearance here in Second Life

If your friend is a great person, appreciate that... 
and always remember you are one too!

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"


  1. Replies
    1. You are a wonderful great person and friend.
      Don't change

    2. You are a wonderful great person and friend.
      Don't change
