Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Royal Opera of Second Life Proudly Presents The Swan Lake Ballet

The Beauty of The Swan Lake Ballet

Our ability to create and appreciate art is one of the main 
virtues that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom - 
revealing the beauty of the human spirit and soul.

Ballet is one such art - choreographed in 
superb composition, motion and musical score 
that reaches for the heights of this human beauty. 

On Sunday, February 28th The Royal Opera of Second Life proudly 
presented one of the most famous ballets in all history - 

The Fable of Swan Lake with Musical Score by Peter Tchaikovsky.

Directed by Ness and performed by the Fantasy Dreams 
Dance Group, the fable of Swan Lake will forever remain 
one of the most quintessential ballets in history.

Swan Lake was Peter Tchaikovsky’s first and is considered 
to be one of the greatest classical ballets of all time.

Its performance, unique to itself in Second Life, sets the 
unrivaled standard for the Royal Opera Company. 

Its choreography by Ness was one of brilliance. 

The Fantasy Dreams Dance Group dancers were phenomenal. 
Their performance exulted the spirit of and long-applauded 
curtain call celebrations from the audience.

This romantic Russian folk tale is a fabled story of ill-fated 
passion, of illusory transformation and of ultimate forgiveness.

Swan Lake is the story of the beautiful princess Odette and 
her companions, cursed by the evil magician Von Rothbart 
to live their days as swans and their nights as maidens. 

The curtain opens with Odette, a young beautiful maiden 
in the forest. The evil knight Von Rothbart captures her, 
turning her into a white swan.

While hunting alone one night, Prince Siegfried sees 
Odette in human form by the lake and falls in love with her. 

Princess Odette knows that the spell can only be broken 
if a prince pledges his eternal love to her. 

However, Prince Siegfried is tricked and deceived into 
believing that Von Rothbart’s evil daughter Odile is Odette, 
and it is her that he mistakenly pledges his love to.

Hopelessly saddened and betrayed, Princess Odette 
tells Prince Siegfried that the spell cannot be broken. 

In this version of the fable, Prince Siegfried challenges 
Von Rothbart to a duel. Rothbart fights with Siegfried, 
who both succumb to their wounds.

This version has an ending very close to 
the American Ballet Theatre. In the final tableau, 
the lovers are seen rising together to heaven in apotheosis.


The Royal Opera of Second Life - Photo by Eddi and Ryce Photography

The Wilanow Royal Palace was created and 
splendidly designed as the site in all of Second Life 
for the celebration of the performing arts. 

Within the walls of its Polish baroque architecture it hosts 
Second Life expositions, conferences, classes, balls, 
fashion shows and musical events. 

The interiors of the palace feature paintings by Peter Paul Rubens, 
Bartłomiej Strobel, Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter, Claude Callot, Marcello Bacciarelli, Pietro Rotari, Joshua Reynolds, Caravaggio, Giovanni Antonio Canaletto and others. 

The frescoes are by Michelangelo Palloni, and the period 
furniture styled after that by Charles André Boulle.

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"

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