Friday, October 23, 2015

Ghee Fall '15 Editions: Fashionably Warming Up to the Brisk Feelings of Winter Approaching

Ghee Fall '15 Tweed Slate Coat & Wide Pants

People talk about the colors of Fall, and in these wonderful 
Second Life days we often see it expressed in fashion. 

As in real life, everything now is transitional. 

If you walk through the courtyard this week at Ghee, 
the colors of the gardens certainly reflect those vivid 
Fall colors we all enjoy during this seasonal time of the year. 

I look outside and see that the Fall colored leaves are still on the trees, 
their branches are seemingly desiccated and brittle.

The leaves this time of year remind me more of oven-dried 
biscuits in appearance and texture rather than sun-baked flora - 
like a thousand pieces of melba toast. 

I love the fall and what it brings. The aroma in the air is a 
mixture of fruitiness, mustiness and deliciousness – 
like the smell of long-cooked soup, something not here 
for long but still a joy for the nose to inhale and experience. 

Autumn is all about huge pots of soups 
stirred in the twilight of darkening kitchens and the 
brisk feel on your cheeks of Winter approaching. 

Ghee Fall '15 Prussian Draped Cardigan & Blouse with Pashmina 
My heart truly belongs to Autumn and that is why I love what 
Ghee Fashion offers with their latest Fall & Winter editions. 

For some reason, when the leaves turn and school buses are seen back 
on the roads again, I feel invigorated to make lists (more than usual, Ha!) 
and make more plans to conquer the fashion world. 

For me, it is also about getting my winter clothes out of storage, 
packing away my bikini, and spending hours thinking 
about what I am going to wear - but trying to make it look 
like I didn’t spend hours thinking about it. Lol.

Store: GHEE ~ where fashion comes alive
Designers: Beatrice Serendipity and Warm Clarity
Products:  Ghee Fall '15 Tweed Coat Slate with Wide Pants 
and Croc T-Bar Heels; 
Prussian Draped Cardigan & Blouse with Pashmina 
Collection: Autumn Winter 2015

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"

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