Monday, September 9, 2013

CWS: Bogart's Jazz Club "Celine Dion Tribute Concert"

Becky: "Well, hello Orchide! Always a pleasure seeing you!"

Orchide: "Hello Becky! I heard that you will be joining us for the Tribute to Celine Dion. It should be a lot of fun!"

Hammer!..Bang! Bang!..Hammer!

Becky: "Oh yes, Orchide! I can’t wait for the performance! I heard that your impersonator has an uncanny resemblance to Celine as well, and she is very entertaining. She is known for her talent and experience to capture the look, sound and the style of Celine Dion."

Orchide: "You know, we deliver nothing but the finest here at Bogart’s Jazz Club for our guests. Samual Wetherby did the staging and the music for this event.  It is going to be spectacular! And, just wait until you see the Lighting that Mr. Zeus has done!  It is absolutely amazing!

Orchide: "And, Celine Dion's music and voice is off the charts!  She has certainly established herself as one of the best-selling musical artists in the world."

Orchide: "I will also have you know that she has received two Grammy awards for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance and a coveted Record of the Year Award."

Hammer!..Bang! Bang!..Hammer!

Becky: "That is way cool! And, did you know that her net worth is well over $500 Million. That is no chump change!"

Orchide: "Pfft! What do you expect? She has sold over 200 million albums, worldwide."

Hammer!..Bang! Bang!..Hammer! 

Becky: "May I ask you what are you building with all of that wood and steel pipe railing, Ma’am?  And, what is that Linden pay ball for?"

Orchide: "Oh, this? ..I am building sort of a prop next to the stage for me to stand where I can observe the activities. I want to make sure that everything goes perfectly since I am going to be in charge of security for this event. I DO multi-task here at Bogart’s with a number of different responsibilities, BTW. Pfft!"

Hammer!..Bang! Bang!..Hammer!

Becky: "That is very interesting, Ma’am... Hmmm? And what is in this big box next to you?"

Hammer!..Bang! Bang!..Hammer!

Orchide: "Oh Look over there! One of our Vendors is having a 50% Off Sale on her gowns! The first 50 customers get free jewelry too!"

Orchide: "Run, Becky, Run!"

Becky: "OMG! There appears to be a naked body in it!!"

Becky: "Is that some sort of Bot you purchased for this event?  He is VERY handsome! 

Orchide: "No, Honey Bun. It is an inflatable Leonardo DiCaprio doll. It was a 'budget-driven' decision you know."

Becky: "Mmmm... and so well proportioned and anatomically correct, I see." 

Orchide: (smirks)

Becky: (smirks)

Becky: "And, what will you do with it after the Celine Dion Tribute Event is over, Ma'am?"

Orchide: "I get to keep him personally as a perk. Also, it is a MUST for security reasons, of course."

Becky:  "But, of course!  (winks)

Becky: "And, you are building the bow of the Titantic!!! WOW! I see the construction drawings over there! You can’t fool me!"

Orchide: "Silly Girl! Don’t you have better things to do? 

Orchide: "...Like swim in a shark tank or something?"

Becky: "And, I just bet that you are going to wrap those inflatable DiCaprio arms around you to recreate that scene where Celine sang “My Heart Will Go On.” 

Becky: "I just LOVE that song! It has become her signature!" 

"You are a genius, Ma’am!"

Orchide: "Erp.. well...(fidgets). Yes, Becky..whatever!"

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"

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