Sunday, August 4, 2013

CWS: Storybook Styling Theme Event "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

The Queen of Hearts is a character from the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the author Lewis Carroll.

In a deck of cards, the Queen of Hearts is both good and kind. 

But, the Queen in the Storybook "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"  is an ill-tempered monarch who rules ruthlessly, and quickly decrees death sentences upon people and her subjects at the slightest offense.

The Queen has only one way of solving her problems, big or small, and that is by ordering immediate execution, shouting: 

"Off with your head!"  

Unstable and mad, she has a minion army of cards that obey her every wish!  Like the rest of zany Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts is completely insane. 

(I know what you are thinking, Janet..So, don’t even go there!)

Everyone Alice meets in Wonderland acts in a funny way and they are deathly afraid of the Queen. 

During her journey she comes across three gardeners painting white roses red in the garden. Alice thinks to herself how odd this was. She asked politely, “Why are you  painting the roses?” The gardeners bowed low to her and said, “You see, we planted a white rose tree by mistake."

As a matter of fact, the Queen also had an obsession for red roses, and certainly this mistake would have meant certain DEATH to the gardeners. 

The next moment, the Queen of Hearts comes by in a grand procession with her army and then shrieks at the sight of the gardeners' error. 

She looks at the roses and commands, “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !” 

Alice then hid the frightened gardeners in a flowerpot and saved their lives then continued her journey through Wonderland.

So, Guys... If it just so happens that you think you might recognize this Queen of Hearts dressed in "Civilian Clothes" roaming here in Second Life, offer her a rose... That small token just may keep you from "Losing Your Head!" LOL! 

Better yet, why don't you come join us and watch the Queen and other fabulous models in Second Life this coming Monday at 5 PM (SLT) at the CWS Storybook Styling Theme Event. 

Here is the Link (if you are brave enough): 

"Becky da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"