Tuesday, July 30, 2013

CWS: Frank's Elite "Sock Hop" Rockin' to the 50's!

Mel's Drive-in Diner, definitely one of the better retro diners I have seen.
The only thing missing are my roller skates! Ha!

Frank's Jazz Elite certainly hit the platinum by putting on a fabulous 1950's "Sock Hop" Event Venue this past weekend in Second Life for everyone, young or old, to come out and enjoy.  

The Retro '50s Theme Design for this Venue at Frank's Elite was both amazing & fabulous!

This celebrated remake of this cultural phenomenon captured the very essence of what it was like dancing back in those days - Conceived in such truly authentic fashion with nostalgic music that was perfect for swinging the night away.

Even before the cultural influence of the Beatles' invasion in the 1960’s, the 1950‘s brought American teens together with the songs of Bill Haley and the Comets "(We're Gonna) Rock Around The Clock." 

Doin' the "Bop at the Hop" with Steve

This music was the inception of Rock n' Roll and it was the very beginning of both a social and cultural revolution, having an undeniable effect on the American psyche. It created a new pop culture with its' own unique language in the American lifestyle.

Certainly, two such nostalgic movies (that retold this story of restless teen youth) were “American Graffiti” and “Grease.” 

They both portrayed an aspect of American life and retold the story of early pop’s popularity in American society with a storyline glimpse back to life as a teen during this amazing period.

The DJ music of Alan Freed, had a significant influence on the music industry.  

He became internationally known as the king for promoting a mixture of blues, rhythm and blues, and country music on the radio in the United States and Europe under the name he coined as "Rock n' Roll."  

What a Handsome Hunk!
Now I know why my Mom always watched his movies.

Elvis Presley came into the picture later, and even though he was referred to as the "King", he preferred to be simply being called "E" or just "Elvis."  

"BTW, that's me in the back row.  Although I had the best view, 
I always got stuck with the strong whiff of soiled diapers. Ha!"

The 1950's was the decade that the “Baby Boomers” were conceived. 

After the Korean War, the  “American Dream” became a reality for many families living in a new suburban lifestyle - One story, two bedroom, tiled bathroom family home complete with a front lawn, a small backyard and a garage. 

"Both Steve and Tommy want to take me to the Prom. Hmmm...decisions, decisions?"

These were the times when teenagers were going "steady" and always inventing new words to hide their teenage love affairs. The 1950s slang became a primal language for many teenagers who sought independence and liberation. 

Hmmm?  Not much of a back seat...and that shifter "Thing-a-ma-jigger" looks like it will get in the way, too!

Why, I just happened to catch a conversation there between Mawoo Ann and Sophia Suzie.  

I have taken the liberty to record it so everyone could get a real sense of this slang culture.  

Psst...Let's listen in closely:
Sophia Suzie: "Hi Mawoo Ann! "What's buzzin'?" 
Mawoo Ann: "Hey Sophia!  I think that Moon Doggy standing over there wearing that “duck butt” next to the Jute Box was eyeballing you! Oh my! He is such a “beefcake!"
Sophia Suzie: "Yea, yea, yea... Oh, him?...Pfft!  Big Deal! I already turned him down for a ride in his hot rod.  He is a "Greaser" anyway and my Dad won't allow me to date him. 
Sophia Suzie: "I think that he was going to take me to "Lover's Point" to park and neck, but I "clutched" him on the “back seat bingo.” Besides, he is an "Ankle-Biter" anyway.... like "Nowheresville!"
Mawoo Ann: "Golly gee, heck Sophia Suzie! I have an idea!  If you want we can leave here then and go to my house, hang, and watch "Leave it to Beaver" or maybe "The Donna Reed Show." 
Mawoo Ann: Besides, my parents want me in early tonight... but they told me that I could have a few friends over for a slumber party! And, my Mom just baked fresh cookies, too!"  
Sophia Suzie:  "Coolsville!" And I love the Cleaver's little Beaver! And, Wally is such a  "dreamboat!"  
Mawoo Ann:  "Crazy! Are those braces on your teeth, Sophia?" 
Sophia Suzie: "Yes!  And it was SO embarrassing!  Did you know that I went out on a date with Johnny the other night and we got our braces stuck together necking at the "passion pit." Took us almost an hour to get untangled, too!"
Mawoo Ann: "No Way!! That is funny!" 
Sophia Suzie:  "Well, let's do a 'banana split' from here and go then!  But, I'll first need to stop over at my house and get permission from my parents, get my pillow, toothbrush, and hula hoop!"
Mawoo: "Groovy!"

I am definitely gonna take this Coup of Milner's and head over to 31 Flavors and get me 4 delicious "Purple People Eater" Ice Cream Scoops.  

I absolutely loved this Sock Hop Venue at Frank's Elite!

"Becky Da' Boop with Da' Scoop!"


  1. Perfect and brings back memories, Thank you.

  2. Wow.. brings me back... to a few days ago:)

  3. I may a bit far from the truth but the music of the 50tys were the best times... there were Drag Races on Lake Street; along side of a place called Porky's-anyway after thinking about those Days, I happen to have wrote a Song called; House of Rock and Roll! and I am in thought of making a, Musical of those Days!-http://youtu.be/x0AdrwXozWo
    Thanks for Listening!
