Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CWS: "Do You Think You Can Dance" Contest Final Results

by Becky Kenaan

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Becky Boop with Da' Scoop, your action CWS reporter.  I am standing here with a crowd gathered outside the famous Black & White Stage Hall. 

I am here to interview 95 year old Ernie Buttonface, who was in the audience witnessing today's exciting final round of competition." 
Becky: "So, tell me Mr. Buttonface, what was it like for you to experience such an exciting and wonderful event?" 
Ernie: Well, Ms. Becky, It was nothing quite like I have ever seen in my long life before. Why, that young man...oh I forget his name... uh..uh.. oh, yes ..Zigfreed.. watching him perform those amazing tricks he did with those wild lions...and ah, oh yes - those wonderful women "The Flying Caproni Sisters" performing that high-wire act without a safety net.  Amazing!" 
Becky: "No, Mr. Buttonface, that was not Zigfreed... You must be confusing those names with Zigrich and FreedomRock.  And we had no circus high-wire acts here today, Sir.  VikkiLynn Caproni was actually performing a Broadway Musical." 
Ernie: "Oh... That is right.. I remember now...I also saw those two perform in Las Vegas a few years ago.. "Zigrich & FreedomRock." I noticed that the poor chap still had that awful scar on on his face from that lion attack." And, wasn't that the daughter of Al Capone?"
Becky: "No, Mr. Buttonface, you are confusing them with "Zigfried & Roy."   There is no relation whatsoever. And, Zig aways looks that way, Sir.  And, Ms. Caproni is not related to Al Capone"   
Ernie: "Oh, okay then never mind.. But I did like the seats, they were quite comfortable. And, oh yes, the restrooms were very clean as well."
Becky: "Well, (cough) thank you Mr. Buttonface.  Folks, you heard it live from the Black & White Performance Center.  Let's now go inside and talk to others that were so instrumental for what had gone on here today, shall we? 
(I Open the Hall doors and then proceed to the center stage area)
Becky: "Hello, (looking at her name badge) Ms. Sunrae.  So, how did you feel the event went today?"
Sunrae: "Why thank you, (looking at my name badge) Bocky!  It was an absolute marvelous event!  Would you mind picking that piece of paper up for me, please?"
Becky: "Not at all, Ms. Sunrae!  It is "Becky" Ma'am...So I was saying to one of our many guests in the audience how exciting this event was today.  Your comments to their reactions, please?"
Sunrae: "Yes, (looking at my name badge again) Bucky... Undoubtedly it was one of our finest events of the year with such fierce competition and suspense.  You wouldn't mind holding this broom for me now, would you?"
 Becky: "Of course not, Ms. Sunrae... It is "Becky" Ma'am (with an "e"). So, tell me exactly, in your own words, what you felt was the most significant dramatic event you saw performed?"
 Sunrae: "Well (looking at my name badge a 3rd time) Bicky, it had to be the sound man once more.  I tell you, it was absolutely amazing the magic he worked to get just the right mix of acoustics and balance for the wonderful music that was played."
Becky: "But I understand that there were a few technical problems associated with the event.  Do you care to elaborate on those problems Ma'am?"
Sunrae:  "Okay, look!  I don't know who sent you to interview me, but NOTHING happened whatsoever!  Do you hear me! NOTHING! Oh..Security, Security!  Please escort Ms. Backy out of the building!" (Pfft! troublemaking, blankety, blank, blank,  B^%@H)
With all joking aside, one of Classic w/Style's biggest events took place yesterday, to ultimately decide the bragging rights to our "Do You Think You Can Dance" Contest.  

The event was announced Live!! It was such an exciting thing to experience firsthand.

Three finalists performed on the dance floor to see who would ultimately be the big winner.  These three finalist have come so far in the previous four (4) incredibly exhilarating (but exhausting and emotional) elimination rounds of competition.  A score of other dancers who performed were painfully eliminated event by event by the event's judges. 

The three finalists were:

FreedomRock Rhiadra

VikkiLynn Caproni
Zigrich Zsigmond

And the distinguished Judges for the event were:

Ms Vicky Yongbo

Ms Lisana Rossen
Ms Janet Brink

Now, for your information, the Judges final decisions for this event were based on: 

a.☆Creativity of the dance☆
b.☆Choreography - How great is the style☆
c.☆How Great is the outfit:☆
d.☆Description of the outfit and dance☆

First Place: $20,000L$ .

Second Place: $10 000L
Third place: $5 000L

Category One themes for the competition was a choice from one of the following:

 The Cha-cha;

 A Waltz or;
 The Tango

Each dance routine was limited to 5 minutes or less.

Category One:

FreedomRock Rhiadra and His Dancing Partner, AngelRaella Shelman

The song they selected was "Tango D'amour"

FreedomRock wore a Zorro outfit from Velvetrythms with riding boots equipped with spurs. Angel wore a very sexy black dress with white shoes to complement the black attire of FreedomRock's Zorro costume with the styling and zest of the passion filled Tango..... "Ole!"

VikkiLynn Caproni and her dancing partner, Alden (aldenwise)

VikkiLynn chose the theme of "The Waltz." 

The song they selected was the title song from "The Phantom of the Opera."

This particular choreography was a mix of several styles of waltzes, incorporating a few other styles of dance to lend it variation. The Phantom of the Opera has powerfully dynamic music and was this chosen as her choice in music to fit her theme. The stage set cellar scene from the Broadway Classic was painstakingly built by a friend, made specifically for this event.

VikkiLynn's gown and the Phantom's outfit were chosen and matched from actual photos from the original stage production of the Phantom of the Opera. The cellar scene was chosen as our stageset design theme.

Zigrich Zsigmond and His Dancing Partner, Agee Z. Canto 

The song they selected was "Sexy Tango" by Comis

The Tango, The Mambo, The Salsa... to name a few were ethnic dances comprised of a rich blend of Latin-American and Western influences, namely from Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Colombia, and Argentina.  Both the Tango and Salsa dances were normally partner type dances, although there are recognized and performed also in solo forms.  Both the Tango and the Salsa could be improvised freestyle and/or performed as a set, choreographed routine.

Zig and Agee performed the Sexy Tango jazz in Latin style. Zig wore a stunning silk outfit with an open shirt, silk pangolintango red scarf, and tango shoes.  Agee wore a rosy-red sleek gown, wonderful rose shoes, and black gloves to complement her partner. Her dress fit tightly to her slim silhouette with a sexy criss-crossed front and open back with a slit to one side of her gown, revealing her sexy stockings. 

Category Two:

Theme: "Gather Your Friends to Dance with You"

Category Two Themes for the competition was a choice from one of the following:

Gangnam Style  

Riverboat or; 
New York  New York

The First contestant for Category Two was  FreedomRock Rhiadra

Name of His Song Selection: "Putting On The Ritz"
Artist: Taco
Name for your group:   Freedoms' Angels  (of course!)

Description of His dance:  A combination of Dance Stepping and Tap Dancing as well.

The Outfit:  FreedomRock wore a very classy White Tuxedo with a gold tie, tails, and high gloss shoes to match.

The Second Contestant for Category Two was Vikkilynn Caproni

Name of Her Song Selection: "New York New York"
Artist: Liza Minnelli
Name for your group: "The Chicks" (Jen, Dayna, Arlene and Jewel)
Name of the song:  New York New York
Artist:  Liza Minnelli

Vikkilynn  took the theme choice literally and chose the song "New York New York" by Liza from the movie of the same name.  She choreographed the dances for the Chicks to include "chair dances" in a burlesque style.  Vikkilynn's choreography included pieces of jazz, some "show" style, and a touch of burlesque as well.  

The Chicks outfits were a combination of modest burlesque style /chorus girl style, with the short pants and top hat. She chose to make her outfit with the same type of material, but instead featured a long gown with the slit on the side, and a bit more jewelry.  She also added glitter to the Chicks all over their bodies and outfits and complement her gown.

The Third Contestant for Category Two was Zigrich Zsigmond.

Name of His Song Selection: "New York New York (Remix)"
Artist: Frank Sinatra
Name for your group: "The New York Dancers" (Zig with Clint Quantry, Devlin Delwood, Agee Z Canto, and Bell Frayar)

Dance Description: 

 In the late 1920s and early 1960s, New York City's jazz musicians began referring to New York City as the "Big Apple." An old saying in show business was "There are many apples on the tree, but only one Big Apple." So, New York City became the premier place to perform and referred to as the Big Apple. 

Frank Sinatra has long been a significant and influential driving force, especially when comes to Broadway production shows.The outfits that the group wore were all reminiscent of the Broadway Jazz Style and  perfect for New York show type dancing - smooth trousers with Tommy Hilfiger suspender, tan tops, and fabulous Fedora hats.

Category Three:

3rd Category:  A mixture of all of the dances used or did from the time auditioned, through 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th elimination rounds.

The First Contestant for Category Three was FreedomRock Rhiadra

Name of His Song Selection: "Down With The Sickness"
Artist: Disturbed

Description of Dance: 

FreedomRock chose utilizing steps that he used in all of the dance competitions including the audition. Everything from Hula to Ballet to hip hop and freestyle too!!!

Outfit: FreedomRock wore biker patched pants and biker boots, with Zombie skin adorned with bloody scars and crazy red eyes. Black unkempt hair to top off the look. It' was all in fun and goes well with the song chosen "Walking Dead." BTW, Freedom is an actual fan and a Biker too in RL.

The Second Contestant for Category Three was VikkiLynn Caproni

Name of Her Song Selection: "MEDLEY1 DanceCom "

"Ra Ra Rasputin" by Boney M
"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion
"Rock That Body" by Black Eyed Peas
"Somewhere... / Little Grass Shack / Chant" by Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole and Don Ho

Description of Dance: 

The MIX involves a wide variety of styles of dancing.  From the almost Russian or Folk style to Ballet to Hip Hop to Hawaiian style.

Outfit:  A mixture of 4 styles together, but she chose to make a basic black mini, almost like a "dance work-out" dress. She also added some glitter for effect. Her 4 completely different outfits from before were also shown as part of her stage motif.

The Third Contestant for Category Three was ZSGIMOMD-ZIGAZFIGMOND
Name of His Song Selection: "Salsa/ Hip hop/ ballet /Hawaiian  inspired show to " Rhythm is Gonna Get You - Gloria Estefan
Artist: Gloria Estefan 

Description of Dance: 

Mr Ziggy and  his four (4) dancers represented all his routines:  Hawaiian. Ballet ,Hip-Hop.and Salsa. His fabulous girls also wore all 4 rounds that he inspired.

Outfits:  A combination of mix and match, reflecting his 4 rounds clothing selections with stunning and fabulous wardrobes in Hawaiian , ballet, hip-hop and salsa. A very unusual and quite unique style with a touch of class 

The Judging Results Are In! 

I wanted to act all cool and professional about not releasing the Winners, but everyone knows already.  So what the heck! Besides, I’m freaking stoked about the results. 

Congratuations to all of the Three Finalists! 

You all won my heart with your passion and your creative talents! And, basically it means that I get to spend more time writing and less time sleeping, which just quietly, makes me go a little cross-eyed at the moment. 

The Winners are:

First Place: 
VikkiLynn Caproni

Second Place: 

Third place: 
FreedomRock Rhiadra

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