Monday, March 25, 2013

CWS - B'wuana's True Confession: "Okay, So I admit it...I am a Vacation SL Junkie!"

A-Types Only, Others Need Not Apply

I often ask myself, just why am I here in Second Life anyway? Is it because I enjoy the escape into fantasy or the ability to explore my creative yearnings? Or is it because I get bored with my Real Life events at times.  Well, in part all of these reasons are true, however I believe that the resounding truth is a direct result of my personality trait. And, I am convinced that the vast majority of people in SL share this same personality characteristic - We are all quintessential SL "A-Type" Junkies! Ha! Some of us won't admit this but just look around... And Yes, I am talking to you! 

Is THIS Lisana after coffee in the morning? OMG!

As in RL, does your definition of self worth here in SL come from what you do to keep yourself busy? Is the reason that you play and live here for hours on end come from you getting bored easily? Or do you find a greater satisfaction in creating, organizing and expanding your inventory? Are appearances everything to you? If you smirked when reading any one of these questions then you are definitely an A-Type SL Junkie.  So what if you are this type? Join the club!  Being an A type personality in SL is really about having the opportunity and chance to express yourself and enjoying the other Misfits around you!  You can also be someone else and have great experiences in SL having a whole lot of fun! 

Have You Lost Your Marbles or WHAT?  
SL is for Misfit A-Types!
Face it, we are products of RL attitudes and circumstances here.. And, if you feel that urgent need to complete a task here in SL, well you are definitely a possible A-Type Avi!  You know, the time sensitive urgency you always seem to thrive on? It is all relative to our personality trait of impatience. Many people may confuse us as being somewhat crazy when it comes to getting things accomplished (with such annoying time limitations) here! LOL

This is really me in a previous Life 
"A Becky Doll"
Just as in real life, we all strive to enjoy it here and set goals for ourselves - We are all good, fun-loving Junkies Indeed! So, don't worry about losing any more of your marbles while playing this wonderful game, just remember to come up for air every once and a while to acknowledge the RL world around you! 

Second Life is sort of a Barbie Doll Utopia, for we all can get dressed up in just about anything - from conservatively demure, to avant-garde, to the most extravagant.  We can also indulge in the most bizarre of fetishes and buy the strangest things imaginable (even breedable Pet Rocks!).  And to top things off, you can get stuff (with almost immediate satisfaction) without having to wait in long lines at the stores.  

And, if you have land you can build things you could never afford in real life. Our instant messages are just like using our cell phones too - But free to use and also fine to use almost anywhere, any time without the risk of getting a ticket while driving, losing your connection, or annoying someone else as you blah, blah, blah! Ha!

Big Deal and So What? 
We have bodies just like this in SL too!
The dating here is also an experience to enjoy. Unlike RL, if you are dancing with someone and he or she starts coming on to you, if you want you can easily remove yourself without prolonging the inevitable or devising a devious escape strategy. You simply pull the ripcord and poof! Voila! - No need to listen to their stupid, irrelevant questions once you understand that they only are interested in you for your Avi body! Ha!  Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with letting your hair down for the right Hunkster either (when the moment is right). Mmmmm!

And when shopping, you don’t need to look at salespeople or acknowledge others beyond a simple and courteous greeting for the most part. They won’t look at you beyond your profile. Oh, and it is OK to acknowledge or talk to a complete stranger without feeling like you need to hang around and wait for your friends or have to worry too much about him following you home. Whew!

Ballroom dancing is mostly for meeting others and showing off your stuff. If the ballroom doesn’t look like the Ritz Carlton inside, you must be in Purgatory.  Be prepared to shell out some nice Linden Bucks for that perfect dress or gown to be noticed by Mr. Right. Just remember that it’s non tax-deductible (unless you actually make your living pimping here in SL of course! HA!).

I must admit, this Fay Dress & Luggage by Diamond Style ROCKS! 
(but the Luggage needs better wheels for the sand. Ha!)
My most favorite "A Ticket" ride & adventure here in Second Life is, of course, having the ability to cyber-travel to fabulous Vacation Spots here very quickly, with no long security lines to pass through or violating body scans. 

Certainly, the clear difference here in SL is that we have all have won the virtual lottery here and, as a result, we can almost travel anywhere we want through SL. I mean, it’s OK to get impatient when we experience lag here, but what matters is that we really don't have to wait very long to get somewhere as compared in our RL world. 

This Stretch of Beach at Bikini Jungle is Such a Fabulous Work of Art

B'wuana Becky's SL Travel Guide - Bikini Jungle

Do you remember the critical essentials to bring along with you before you leave?  You don't? Okay, well good because I am changing tactics on this one...Bring plenty of Mulla (cash of course) BUT this time also leave your bikinis at home to  come shop with me for new ones at LUXE by Paris.  It is right smack dab in the center of Bikini Jungle!  OMG! You think at first you just died and went to Heaven! 

LUXE by Paris ~ Becky Tankini 

I guarantee that once you see her incredible line of bikinis and tankinis, you will have wished that I set you up with a Sugar Daddy for this trip! OMG! I want everything she has in that store!!! She has the most awesome swimsuits with the perfect fit for your special and unique avatar.

LUXE by Paris ~ Cotte Bikini 
And what makes Bikini Jungle so much more fun are the endless visual treats awaiting your arrival. It is a beautiful remote tropical island with stunning views and creative features. 

LUXE by Paris - Damier Tankini 

It is a great place to relax and listen to the waves crash on the shoreline. Be careful though, for there are many wild beasts that roam this island paradise. And, I am NOT talking about my Cousin Vinny either!

The Isthmus at Bikini Jungle ... One Word that Describes it Best: "Breathtaking!"
I am truly impressed with what the Owners of Bikini Jungle have done - Not just with their fabulous swimsuit line, but also in general with their island paradise fantasy. My girlfriend and I were immediately impressed with its beauty.  Not until we started exploring the island did we truly begin to fully appreciate its intimate scale, charm and uniqueness.  

If this LUXE Marin d'Eau Douce Bikini doesn't attract Dino, 
then he DEFINITELY needs to RETURN to the Jungle!
When we weren't sunbathing on the gorgeous decks or swimming in its clear blue tropical ocean waters, we would explore this great place to better appreciate its context, its incredible scenery, and its fun animated wildlife. It is certainly one experience that we will be telling all of our SL friends and family about for a long time to come. 

LUXE by Paris ~ Pique Nique Rouge Bikini 

Bikini Jungle is a must see for all Bikini-Loving creatures and  survival enthusiasts alike! 

As far as my Beck-O-Meter is concerned - I am definitely getting "Purr-Fect" readings for this spot! Four Creamy & Delicious Scoops Way Up (with Cherries)!


  1. :) very nice post! Really enjoyed this one.

  2. Loved this and so did my Becky Barbi on my nightstand lol :-)
