Sunday, March 17, 2013

CWS: B'wuana Becky's Second Life Travel Guide Spotlight

B'wuana Becky's Travel ~ "Right this way, Ladies!"
Yesterday I was sucked in by one of those RL cruise ship advertisements about traveling through the Mediterranean and visiting such romantic places like the Greek Islands of Mykonos and San Torini, then returning back to Athens and being netted by those wonderful handsome Greek Fishermen  in the seaport of Piraeus. 

This is so patently ridiculous for me to even consider doing this at this moment!  Why, just looking into my purse and my savings account are enough to depress and deny me of this kind of vacation trip in the short term. 

To make matters worse, a friend just recently reminded me that I somehow missed my deadline to make my first Million before I hit 30.  Fine, so what if lots of other people save their money all their life to take this kind of vacation.  As for myself (at this point in my young female adult life), I guess that I would rather stay local, make the big bucks,  accomplish a few more things, and then have babies before any serious traveling. Ha! Idealistic or a myth you say? 

Becky's Biological Clock ~ Who is counting?
Oh, and by the way.. I wanted to dispel that ugly rumor that I went out an had my eggs frozen.  I will have you know (tyvm) that I use to run track so I am quite aware of time clocks. As such,  I am NOT at all concerned about beating my own biological clock at the moment either.  

When raised in a culture where pretty much everyone is expected to reproduce, no matter what, I just have to stand back, inhale, and then slowly exhale to realize that life is more about exploration, enjoying people, and the world around me. With that said, I have put my clock on "Snooze." This is a much better alternative rather than trying to smash the damn thing! HA!

So, I ask you....What better way is there to put off the inevitable other than by exploring our Second Life surroundings? There are so many incredible places to see here and experience here in SL.  Why struggle with the exchange rates, mosquito nets, or carrying all that heavy luggage around with you anyway? 

Take B'wuana Becky's Travel Cruise Ship & enjoy the romantic sunsets with someone special
So, put away your preg calculators and testers for the time being and follow me, "B'wuana  Becky, to some of the most romantic and exotic places here in SecondLife. Come feel the ticket in your hand and join me as I introduce you to your different Second Life ports-of-call destination resorts!  l will even bring along my own special "Beck-O-Meter" to rate these places in terms of quality of Land Use, Architecture, and activities to spoil your innate senses.  Why, our fabulous CWS models will even join in with us and show you some of the marvelous shopping there as well! 

Our First Stop:  The Port of Las Isles at Las Lagunas

Las Islas - Las Lagunas Port of Call - Beautiful Italian Mediterranean Architecture 
Please watch your step as you step off of the cruise ship.  Let's start here at the Seaport because it is truly the best place to get an overall sense that you have arrived somewhere very special in Second Life. 

The Sim is so well designed and impeccably detailed in every way imaginable! You feel as though God is in the details of this magically done Island seaport.

La Piazza della Port di Las Lagunas
 I enjoyed experiencing  its nostalgic, classic auto plaza - it is a MUST to see and appreciate!  Why, I nearly burned the bottom of my feet running from the scrumptious strands of the sandy beach to see the fabulous vintage cars parked so eloquently in a row there!  

Las Islas ~ Las Lagunas: Romance awaiting you at your keyboard fingertips
The Italian mediterranean architecture is also so well conceived and articulated from it's key historical harbor fortress fortifications protecting its small romantic harbor - to Las Islas' rich and sophisticated mediterrainean atmosphere.

If you enjoy photography as much as I do, then bring your cameras along to capture some of the most beautiful romanticism in all of Second Life. 

The vibrant use of colors, the wonderful use of frescas, the sun-soaked flora, and the authentic antiquity appearance of this Seaport Village all cry out at once as both an SL Model's paradise and a photographer's dream shoot location. NOT miss the opportunity to come see this wonderfully romantic destination.  And, if you want to shop there are also some great designer stores here that speak your language and understand your tastes in styling.  

As far as my Beck-O-Meter is concerned - I am definitely getting very high sensory readings on this spot! Four Creamy & Delicious Scoops Way Up!


  1. Very good and happy Graduation :)


  3. Very nice blogging here and big congrats upon your graduation as well! :)

  4. Hey.... where's your follow me gadget here?

  5. Hi Freedom,

    I just added the B'wuana Becky Follow me Gadget. Thanks for the advise!!! xoxox
